
Discovering our Girl-Led Stars

We are proudly a Girl-Led organisation, which means our girl members can expect to be involved in our decision-making processes. Not only they are guided to become tomorrow’s confident leaders, but they are also asked, listened to and heard. We have three groups of girl representatives that enable the voice of all girls to be heard both within and outside GirlGuiding NZ at a local and national level. We consult with them to guide our decisions and we engage them in research to find out what Kiwi girls care about. (Read the What Matters Survey Summary Report from 2018 here).

To encourage our girl members to lead the way in their community, our Girl-Led Team ran a competition, the ‘Girl-Led Stars’, where groups of girls planned and ran activities to achieve badges. Here is how two different groups of girls worked on their ‘Money-Wise’ Badge.


Stratford Guides 

Our Girl Guides in Stratford worked on their Money Sense Badge during term two. To achieve this, they did different activities throughout the term, such as visiting the supermarket to compare prices, debating whether they should receive pocket money at home and discussed activities that cost less than $3. The girls took the lead and choose six activities from the Guides Programme that they wanted to complete and provided ideas of how they could carry out the activities.

The challenge was set! The girls decided to run a disco, where they could invite friends, siblings and the local Brownies and charge a gold coin donation to raise money for a charity (they chose to fundraise for the SPCA!), they planned and run the disco themselves. Great work girls!

On the night of the disco all girls arrived early to help set up the hall. They put tables out for food and put up some decorations. They led games with the 40 kids that attended and raised $85 cash, plus lots of pet food, that they donated to the New Plymouth SPCA.

Through this fun activity, the girls learnt about planning an event, managing a budget, leading games for a large group of children, co-ordinating activities, logistics and cleaning up afterwards. They all were presented with the Money Sense badge in front of their friends and all that attended had their photo taken by the Stratford Press.


Kelburn Brownies

Our Brownies in Kelburn took the lead on creating imaginary shops to achieve their ‘Money-Wise’ badge. Each group came up with a theme for their ‘shop’ and adapted the Programme activities around the themes they chose. For example, they did a coin rubbing collage as signs for their shops and they explored different coins and banknotes by designing their own currency for the ‘shops’. 

The girls hand-sewed felt piggy-banks to keep their pretend NZ coins in, decorated boxes and the area around the ‘shops’ with fabrics, paper, buntings and, of course, their products. There were four shops – Pizzaria, Candy-shop, Ice-cream shop and a Slime & Putty shop. The Brownies then took turns visiting the other shops with their limited budget to purchase the items they wanted. 

Our girl members in Stratford and Kelburn are certainly ‘Girl-Led Stars’.

NOTE: All our sections, (Pippins, Brownies, Guides and Rangers), follow a Programme that is planned to link developmentally for all girls across all ages so that they can participate and aspire to be the best they can be. All Programme activities are age-appropriate for each section and are run by an awesome team of volunteers.

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