
Deputy Board Chair Update

Good morning, 

I trust everyone got a chance to enjoy their Easter break?  I spent the break exploring Hamilton and Cambridge, with my Ranger unit. We based ourselves at the Hardy Guiding Center and cycled the Te Awa cycleway.  It was a great camp, with so much to explore. If this was TripAdviser I would give our property 5 stars!! 

Staff Org Structure 

Angela (Acting CE)confirmed the staff structure last week with the team and interviews for internal roles have been happening this week. Our structure is not only our staff roles so we are now working with the Guiding Quality Adviser, Judith Bright, to ensure our Snr Volunteer roles are also captured in the structure. We expect this to be ready by the  28th April and will be put to our National Advisers and RC’s for their input.  

Interim CE  

Firstly thank you Angela for stepping up into the role over the last month.  We are now looking to formalise the interim CE role to lead us through the rest of the year, as we rebuild, establish our next 5 year strategy, and set ourselves up for the future.  If you are interested, the details are on Leaders Hub – here.  We are also using an external agency to reach out to the wider leadership community, via their networks, but this role is not being advertised publicly.  

Board positions / Recruitment 

We have had six candidates from our Forum put themselves forward to be part of the selection committees for the board roles.  The Forum are currently voting on them.   We have a number of expressions of interest in the roles.  Did you know that you could be a Board Member?  We have two vacant positions for volunteers and would love to see some more candidates.   Here is the information if you are interested.

Kind regards 

Mirjam Oord 

Deputy Board Chair

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