
Volunteer Week 2022 – Let’s Celebrate YOU!

Here at GirlGuiding, we know nobody keeps us together and thriving more than our Leaders and Volunteers! For Volunteer Week 2022* we want to showcase and celebrate as many of you as possible on our social media!

We never have enough photos of our Volunteers (probably because you’re all so focused on the girls), so please take this as the perfect opportunity to send in the a photo of YOU!

It could be a selfie, a group photo, an action shot, or something that showcases who you are and where you come from… it’s totally up to you! And feel free to tell us the story behind it to..

Please send through your photos to [email protected]

Or submit an image through our Leader submission form – also available at the bottom of the Leaders’ Hub page.

Or message us on Facebook, Instagram… anywhere you can find us!

Help us celebrate you, the glue that keeps us all together, for Volunteer Week 2022 Hearts

*Volunteer Week is the 20-26th of June. But EVERY week is Volunteer Week to us…

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