
Volunteer Spotlight: Jennifer

Jennifer is one of our awesome volunteers. Last term she organised an epic camp for her Brownies and we’ve had the most amazing feedback from parents! Check it out below:

“My daughter attends Brownies at the Halswell group in Christchurch. Her Leader is Jeni. We have just been on a Hogwarts camp with her and I wanted to pass on how amazing Jeni made the experience for my daughter. The two nights were packed with fun, excitement and challenging activities. Eva had the most incredible time. I appreciate all of the time Jeni took out of her own life to organise such an event; I know that would haven’t been easy. I helped at the camp and Jeni was supportive and caring to all of the girls. She was extremely professional, and my daughter and I are very grateful to her for such an amazing opportunity.”

“My daughter Elena is part of the Halswell Brownies group who just had their Hogwarts camp in Christchurch over the past weekend. I was a parent help for the whole weekend and I just wanted to pass on to your (national) office some feedback about how impressed I was with Jeni’s fantastic camp! Every little detail was thought of and the girls had such a wonderful time, as did I. This is my first foray into kids camps and wow – the bar has been set extremely high! From the themed food and decorations to the handmade archery targets and fun games, Jeni really thought of everything. As someone who works in the charity sector and understands the intrinsic value of volunteers, I can see that Jeni is a huge asset to your organisation… as is her daughter MacKenzie. I don’t know of any 16-year-olds who would rather spend their holiday weekend helping out a rambunctious group of seven to nine-year-old girls than hanging out with their mates. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure that Jeni and MacKenzie were recognized for their wonderful efforts. They truly are appreciated!”


If you would like to volunteer with us, find all you need to know in this page. If you would like to register your daughter, fill your details in this form.

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