

We challenge our girls to go on new adventures to build their confidence, equip them with life-skills and encourage them to explore the outdoors and lead an environmentally conscious life.

With this in mind, sixteen of our girl members, guided by four of our awesome volunteers, embarked on a four day tramp adventure along the Abel Tasman Coastal Walk.

After arriving in Nelson, the day before the tramp, and getting to know each other, preparation for the three nights and four days challenge began. Distributing the necessary gear through the group, checking everyone had the right necessities and clothes and making sure there was enough food for all teaches girls that they work and walk as a team, not individuals, so they share the load.

Margaret and Rita, two of our amazing volunteers, have been leading tramps in the Abel Tasman since 2015. This year the girls started in Marahau going all the way to Totaranui. “For most girls, it is their first tramp, or they have only been on a couple of tramps. The track is beautiful and provides enough challenges (carrying a pack, walking for long periods, walking on sand, cooking their own meals, sleeping in huts sometimes with the public) for inexperienced girls without being over-challenging.”, explained Vicky, one of the leaders of the tramp.


Experiences like this are defining moments in the girls’ paths. It is a chance to connect with like-minded girls from around New Zealand, enabling them to feel supported, find strength from one another and within themselves to build resilience and gain skills they will use later on as well as make new friendships. “As a leader, the biggest highlight for me was seeing the girls make friends, help and care for each other and develop confidence, as for many it was their first tramp.”, shared Rita.

Our leaders focus on fostering independence within the girls, to look after themselves, others and the environment they’re in while working as a team to get to their destination. At the end of their adventure, the girls expressed the sense of achievement as one of the biggest highlights of their trip, as well as making new friends. 

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