Happy kids with scientist doing science experiments in the laboratory

GirlGuiding NZ rolls out Pop Up Auckland Adventures

GirlGuiding New Zealand continues with its focus on STEM based activities this month with Pop Up Adventures in Auckland that will get girls’ brains buzzing and tummies rumbling with its Edible Science events.

GirlGuiding NZ’s Girl Adventure Team will present Edible Science II for girls aged 7-10 years that will use tasty tools and edible equipment to experiment, design and bring Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths to life during this delicious event.

“While the focus is on science, the activities and games also stir up new friendships and build self-confidence in an adventurous and supportive environment”, says GirlGuiding NZ’s Community Programme Facilitator, Ashlyn Baines.

Girls don’t need to be members of GirlGuiding NZ to take part. By providing opportunities for girls to get involved in these subjects, GirlGuiding NZ hopes more girls will consider STEM pathways for their future.

Edible Science I sold out. To join Edible Science II, or for more information, check out the event details here.

Edible Science II – Girls aged 7-10
Saturday 3 November, 1-5pm
Auckland Guide Centre (132 Grange Road, Mount Eden)
COST: $25

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