
Girl-Led groups announced for 2019

GirlGuiding New Zealand is proudly girl-led. Groups of girl representatives enable the voice of girls to be heard both within and outside GirlGuiding NZ at a local and national level. These girls are the representatives of all girl members in the organisation views and have opportunities to develop an agreed position to advocate for themselves and others within GirlGuiding NZ or add their voice to local, national and global issues that matter to all girls and young women.

The National Girl Advisory and Participation (GAP) Group is made up of nine 15-17 year olds who promote the views of girls within the organisation on a range of topics including girl opportunities, programme content, and delivery of events. The National GAP Group works to reach consensus regarding the representative view which is then put forward to GirlGuiding NZ governance groups, as well as being voting members at the annual GirlGuiding NZ National Forum.

The Ranger Advocacy Panel (RAP) includes up to ten 15-17 year olds who represent and promote the views of girls in New Zealand by finding out what matter to them, then advocating for positive change on their behalf.

Congratulations to the following girls who will be joining these vital girl-led groups.

2019 National Girl Advisory and Participation Group
Olivia – Aotearoa Rangers                 
Amanda – Blockhouse Bay Rangers
Ashleigh – Pukekohe Rangers            
Jessica – Kaweka Rangers  
Sophie – 4th Kokowai Rangers          
Hannah – Five Rivers Rangers

These girls are joining the following girls to make the full National GAP Group:
Iona – Papawai Rangers
Ciara – Bay Rangers
Molly – Lincoln Rangers     

2019 Ranger Advocacy Panel
Arianna – Aotearoa Rangers
Madison – Takaraunga Rangers
Nishika – 1st Manukau Papatoetoe Rangers
Olivia –    Paheko Rangers
Summer – Kaikoura Rangers
Zoe – Eastern Bays Rangers

These girls are joining the following girls to make the full Ranger Advocacy Panel:
Carly – Tuahine Rangers
Hailey – Waimea Guide Club
Madeline – Upper Hutt Rangers
Petra – Kaikoura Rangers


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