
Explore Brownies | Expanding our digital programme to girls 7-9 years old

Earlier this year we launched our very first digitally delivered programme, Explore! We started off with Explore Pippins and, thank our amazing Development Team who worked tirelessly to bring to life our Explore Brownies.

Explore is an online platform to deliver our Pippin and Brownie Programmes to girls all around New Zealand. It enables girls who can’t attend a weekly meeting to grow their confidence, their abilities, and their sense of adventure in their own home, while undertaking the activities we know that five and six-year-old girls love, in the real world! 

Our first digitally delivered programme options share the same mission as our weekly, face-to-face groups: to empower girls to develop into confidentadventurous leaders of tomorrow. Our programmes to that by exposing girls to activities in STEAM, the outdoors, and creative arts, and by expanding their understanding of their own community, as well as the wider world around them. Like all of our programmes, Explore is a girl-led platform in which girls choose their own adventures and activities from those offered. They will have a Leader to guide them, keep them engaged and encouraged with one-on-one attention. They will begin to learn about the world and their unique place in it while having fun. The best part of Explore is that is totally flexible and encourages girls to do hands-on-activities in the real world. Some activities require adult support, others don’t, but all are heaps of fun! 

To sign-up for Explore Brownies, go here. To find out all the details of the subscription, take a look at this page.

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