You’re invited to MagicalME, a Discovery event for girls aged 5 – 9 years old.
Come along in your favourite magical outfit for an enchanting day of activities – you will even get an opportunity to ride a unicorn! This is going to be an exciting day full of various activities, with an opportunity to try new things and make new friends.
- Dates: 22 January 2023
- Times: 9am – 4pm
- Fee: $70.00 due 13 January 2023
- Location: Cracroft Guiding Centre, 151 Cashmere Road, Christchurch
- Is travel to and from the venue arranged for me? No, all travel to and from Cracroft is to be arranged for and paid by parents/caregivers. These costs aren’t included in the fee cost.
- What does the fee cover? The fee covers all activities costs during the day as well as morning and afternoon tea.
- What happens if I don’t pay the fee by 13 January 2023? Your child will be removed from the attendance list and her place offered to a girl on the waitlist.
- Is the fee refundable if my child can no longer attend? Up until the confirmation deadline of 13 January 2023, your fee is fully refundable should you need to withdraw your child from the event. After this date, we have already paid out costs associated with the confirmed number of girls attending and the fee becomes non-refundable. Please email us at [email protected] for any clarity or support required around this.
- What happens if my child becomes unwell while there? If this occurs, you will need to collect your child from the camp, possibly at short notice. A leader will remain with her until you are able to get there.
- What does my child need to take? You will be required to take your lunch and a full water bottle. If your child needs any medication during the day, please take this in a sealed, named bag and hand it into the leader on arrival.
This event is a nationally run event and invites have gone out via OGM. For any queries or concerns, or if you didn’t receive and invite and would like one please email [email protected]