
Vacancies – National Nominations Committee

We currently have two vacancies on the National Nominations Committee. This committee manages the selection process and makes recommendations to the National Forum for:

  • Association Leaders to be nominated to stand for election to the National Board
  • The Audit & Finance Committee Chair
  • Candidates to be nominated for election to join the National Nominations Committee

We are seeking two members of the National Forum (other than Board members and National Advisers) to join the National Nominations Committee for a term of three years.

The successful candidates will join the Board Chair, the Chief Executive, and two other Board members in key positions recruiting for national vacancies.

The role includes:

  • Ensuring vacancies are widely advertised
  • Reviewing applications and nominations
  • Shortlisting candidates
  • Conducting interviews

Meetings are held via Teams videoconference.

If you would like further information on the role, or an application form, please contact

Closing date for applications is Tuesday 11th April 2023.

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