Kia ora,
Due to the ongoing effects of Cyclone Gabrielle, and the National State of Emergency, our general advice (see below) for Guiding Units remains the same.
However, while the safety of our members is our highest priority, we are aware that every Unit is affected differently, and we now want to allow for some Leader discretion around the re-opening of Units.
General Advice for North Island Units:
North Island Units are to remain closed for face-to-face Unit meetings and activities until further notice. Leaders can move to virtual delivery if they choose to.
General Advice for South Island Units:
Units in areas of the South Island where schools are closed are to remain closed for face to Unit meetings and activities until further notice. Leaders can move to virtual delivery if they choose to.
Leader Discretion:
As we move beyond the worst of this unprecedented weather event, we want to empower our Leaders on the ground to make the best decision for their Unit.
If a Leader in the North Island believes it is safe and appropriate to re-open their Unit, they may now do so.
Conversely, if a Leader in the South Island believes it is not safe or appropriate to re-open their Unit, they can make the decision to remain closed.
We ask that Leaders making decisions outside of our general advice please email a record of your intentions to:
GirlGuiding NZ Communication Channels:
Please note that we will continue to share updates on this ever-changing situation via:
– Email
– Leaders’ Hub
– GirlGuiding NZ Facebook page
If you have any questions or would like specific advice, please feel free to contact our team at:
Ngā mihi,
GirlGuiding NZ