
Response to Leader Feedback submitted 23/9/22

On the 23rd of September we received some anonymous feedback through the Feedback & Complaints form. It related to Leaders’ Link and the timing and communications around whole team meetings. Our staff team have discussed the points raised, and have the following response:

National WHOLE Team Meetings

Thank you for the feedback and your enthusiasm to be informed about the WHOLE Team Meetings and actions we are taking.

Currently we are collating all feedback as well as a response plan to ensure we are listening and acting on feedback received.

This feedback has prompted us to move forward with our action to communicate to all Leaders the progress that is happening behind the scenes. We will be updating Leaders’ Hub and posting across the Facebook pages on Tuesday 27th September.

Given these were our first National WHOLE Team Meetings there are many learnings we are taking on board and working through including how we communicate with those Leaders who were unable to attend, and we are also looking at the rhythm of meetings and post meeting communications to see what changes we need to make.

Leader’s Link & Leaders’ Hub

Thanks again for this feedback. We have heard it. Leaders have been asking for ONE source of truth, and in our attempt to provide this we clearly moved too quickly to solve this. We recognise that we need to consult more thoroughly in future.

You’ll have seen that we have just this week reinstated the option of a fortnightly email for those that want it. Hopefully this gives everyone a chance to receive the information through a channel that works for them.

Please feel free to send more feedback or complaints through any time.

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