
Recognising Our Volunteers 

We have always known we have special volunteers in Guiding and two leaders from Central and Lower North have recently been recognized for their efforts by their communities too.

Michelle Stronach-Marsh, a Guide leader in Wellington has been awarded a Hutt City Civic Honour, for Voluntary Service in the Environment. Michelle goes plogging every day and can even be seen out in the pouring rain and howling winds. Plogging is a Swedish term meaning to pick up while jogging and Michelle collects a staggering amount of rubbish along the beach and streets of her community.  She also organises community clean ups and petitions the council to improve rubbish bins along the beach. Michelle is a passionate leader who develops all the girls and leaders in her unit to be the very best they can. Her unit is often bulging at the seams with every girl welcomed and where guides always want to bring their friends to be part of the fun.

Sharon Aston, a leader and Local Co-ordinator in the Wairarapa has been awarded the Charles Rooking Carter Civic Award for her contribution to Guiding and the Community. Sharon is a Brownie and Guide leader and supports all the leaders in the team to offer awesome opportunities to girls. Her exciting camps, enrollment and badge ceremonies are infamous with amazing themes and attention to detail. The girls just love being part of the unit, developing leadership skills and often wanting to stay on as unit helpers when their time at guides has finished.

Congratulations to Sharon and Michelle, for being awesome Guiding Leaders as fantastic role models in their communities.

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