
Ranger Progression Badges and Interest Certificates

Ranger Leaders, we have listened to your feedback about the Progression Badges, and we have now set these up so you can see a Rangers Progress.

This does mean you now need to cross credit the Pathway Badge, Peak Award and Queen’s Guide Award from the old programme to the new programme as they are no longer automatic. The decision was made that short term pain for long term gain was the better option here.

The newly setup badges have (2022) at the end of them and can still be found in Badges > Progression > Progression Badges. The previous badges made live before Christmas have been removed as they didn’t store the progress of the badges.

The setup of the Interest Certificate badges are staying the same, but we have setup a ‘ICs Area Records’ badge that you can use as a record of which Areas a Ranger has completed. This will not mark off towards the IC3, IC6, IC9 and IC12 badges but will let you see you Units progress all in one place.

Gina, Angela and the Learning and Development Team

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