
New Leaders’ Hub is live!

Welcome to the new Leaders’ Hub!

This new page has all the latest Leader news. The idea is that we can put news up as it happens – not just send out an email once a fortnight – so we can be more current with our communications to you. Don’t worry – we’ll still send out the Leaders’ Link email for a while, to make sure everyone is always up to date.

Note that the page still as all the Leader links (on the side) from the old page. So you’re not missing anything! 

Alongside this hub page, we have also built an ALL Leader news page which hosts every article from this year. We’ll continue to update this, so you can find any news you ever see. And you can search it.

At the bottom of the hub page we have a Leader poll and a place to submit your Leader feedback, content and images. Which we DESPERATELY need more of! NEVER hold back from sharing what you do with us. We LOVE to see it!

If you have any issues or feedback, send it through to: [email protected]

We hope you enjoy the new Leaders’ Hub!

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Gina Chaney
Gina Chaney
2 years ago

Having my first trawl around the site. Looks quite good so far! 🙂

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x