
[ME]dia, Aupāho Badge

Term 2 will see the launch of another new badge, this one in sponsored support via Auckland University of Technology (AUT). The badge has been designed with support from AUT academics, girl, and leader rōpū and the Development staff team. We look forward to launching this badge for our Guides and Rangers on the 28th of April and following this there will be a leader session, both virtually and on AUT campus.
Guides and Rangers will use their critical analysis skills to discuss a variety of fascinating case studies to investigate their own and others’ opinions about the media. This is followed up the girls creating their own media. It is going to look a little different to other badges…get excited! Guide & Ranger Leaders – Keep your eye out for more info coming to your inbox this week!
A huge, and ongoing, thanks to Nicola Igusa, Paige ClarkKalena Harris, Nichola Resoli, Kendyl Blissett, Laura Williams and the entire Development Staff team in the mahi that everyone is doing to support this badge.
Sophie Harland
Development Manager

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