Alumnae groups


GirlGuiding NZ - Connect

Connect offers an exciting and flexible programme with a huge variety of challenges and opportunities for personal development, primarily aimed at 16-25-year-olds. We’ve developed different types of involvement and made it really simple for you to choose and move between them. They offer you the opportunity to:

  • Travel, volunteer, learn new skills
  • Help with local initiatives and participate in task forces
  • Work towards valuable qualifications in a fun and supportive girl-led environment.
Click > here < to learn more about the options for you to be involved, and to enquire with our team.

Trefoil Guild

The Trefoil Guild is open to anyone over 19 years old who is or has been an enrolled member of GirlGuiding New Zealand or of any member country of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Members are often no longer in an active Guiding role, but some continue to hold appointments within GirlGuiding New Zealand.
The aims of the Trefoil Guild are to:
  1. Keep alive the spirit of GirlGuiding New Zealand’s Promise and Law
  2. Carry that spirit into the community in which their members live and work
  3. Give support to Guiding

The way the aims are carried out and the format of Trefoil Guild meetings are entirely at the discretion of each group; groups and activities vary widely throughout the country.

Some Guild members are able to undertake the The Southern Cross Challenge, a scheme for people 50 and over which aims to discover the hidden talents and abilities of older people and put them to creative and practical use, whilst helping themselves and the wider community.

How do I get involved?

Trefoil Guilds are located throughout New Zealand. They are supported by a national Alumnae Co-ordinator, who

  • Provides support to the organisation on alumnae issues
  • Provides support to the existing alumnae membership, Trefoil Guild and National Guiding Friends
  • Ensures operational initiatives relevant to the vision and mission of GirlGuiding New Zealand concerning alumnae are delivered
  • Develops innovative projects and directions in alumnae areas, as part of the Fund Development team’s annual planning.
  • Carries out specific Trefoil Guild Specific Duties, as listed in the Role Description.

You do not have to wear a uniform to belong, however a Trefoil Guild polo shirt is available for you to purchase for the occasional, more formal event.

Currently available from our online shop:

  • Navy Polo shirts
  • Red Polo shirts
  • Trefoil Badge

For further information and details of a group in your area, please email [email protected].

The Olave Baden-Powell Society

The Olave Baden-Powell Society is a global group who support the development of girls and young women. The Society builds the capital funds of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) which demonstrates and delivers democratic processes for girls and young women, adolescent health programmes, literacy, safe food and water education.

Some members have been or still are involved in Guiding, others have had little or no Guiding involvement, but choose this group for philanthropy focused on the development of girls and young women.

Membership is gained by a single donation, which may be delivered over five years, or through a legacy or a life insurance policy. Funds are invested through the WAGGGS investment and finance processes (an international UK registered charity), and the interest is available to WAGGGS for its work.

More information on how to join can be found here.

National Guiding Friends

National Guiding Friends is an informal social networking group for people who have held a national role within GirlGuiding New Zealand, whether or not they hold a current role within the Association. Its purpose is to renew friendships near where members live. Members receive regular communications from GirlGuiding New Zealand and National Guiding Friends updates at least twice a year.

Eight local groups exist throughout the country;

  1. Auckland
  2. Manawatu
  3. Waikato, Waiariki
  4. Wellington, Hutt Valley
  5. Nelson
  6. Canterbury
  7. South Canterbury
  8. Southland/Otago/Central Otago

All Leaders who had held a national appointment before 2016, e.g. National Advisers, Zone Advisers, Regional Co-ordinators/Provincial Commissioners, Diploma’d Trainers, National Board members, are able to join. For Leaders appointed to national roles after 2016, those eligible to become members of National Guiding Friends at the end of their national appointment are National Advisers, National Portfolio Holders, National Trefoil Guild Co-ordinators, National Guiding Friends Co-ordinators, National Board members and WAGGGS trainers. All recipients of the national Kauri and Kiwi awards are also eligible to join.

Local groups always welcome new members. To join a local group or receive further information please email [email protected]

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