
International Events/Travel Update

In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world to a standstill. Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting around the world stopped. WAGGGS decided to cancel all international events and to close the World Centres. 

Three years on from when the pandemic began the world is learning how to live with COVID-19. The speed and approach that each country took when opening back up varies greatly. Some countries saw very fast vaccination roll outs, governments relaxing their travel guidance and re-opening their borders, whilst others faced limited availability and roll out of vaccines and tougher border restrictions. 

GirlGuiding NZ continue to review and update our COVID-19 guidance. It is important that our approach reflects the situation in Aotearoa New Zealand, and also acknowledges the large variation between COVID-19 situations in WAGGGS member countries. 

We are pleased to confirm that international travel for GirlGuiding NZ members may resume to approved GirlGuiding / Girl Scouting / Scouting events (including camps and jamborees) by Youth Members, Adult Members, contingents and individuals, subject to the requirements set out below and all usual risk management considerations: 

  1. Travel insurance is a requirement to attend events overseas which the Traveller is to obtain themselves. 
  2. Travellers take full responsibility for meeting all expenses not covered by their travel insurance including any costs relating to requirements to quarantine. 
  3. Travellers must meet all requirements for the country they are visiting, including where relevant vaccination, and for returning to Aotearoa New Zealand. 
  4. Travellers are responsible for adhering at a minimum to all national and local government laws and guidelines including following scientific-based measures to minimise the spread of infection. This includes use of hand sanitiser, observation of social distancing and use of masks as appropriate. 

The above requirements also apply to adults travelling to World Centres and Adult Members volunteering at World Centres. 

There are no remaining general restrictions on travel imposed by GGNZ arising from the COVID-19 pandemic other than as set out above. 

The GirlGuiding NZ International Adviser will continue to consider a range of matters in deciding whether to approve the advertisement of international events, the formation of international contingents, or the approval of individual and group international travel applications.  

These matters include: 

  1. any travel advisories 
  2. requirements for vaccination 
  3. any requirements for insolation or quarantine in the destination countries, and how the risk management planning addresses this risk 
  4. the wider risk management planning for the event(s) being attended 

Groups or individuals looking to travel are encouraged to reach out to the International Adviser ([email protected]) to ensure that they are kept up to date on any changes to GGNZ guidance. 

Changes may be made to this guidance at short notice if there are changes in government regulations or advice. 

As we take these steps, the safety of our members remains our highest priority. We are following the appropriate guidelines to ensure attendance at international events is as safe as possible. 


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