To make sure our volunteers are equipped with all the skills they need to lead girls in outdoor adventures safely, we provide this training opportunity to new volunteers who want to obtain their Leader Qualification, or to volunteers who have been with GirlGuiding NZ for over two years and want to refresh their outdoor essentials knowledge.
This is a one-day training and will cover the Outdoor Essentials and other Modules. The Outdoor Essentials training is part of the Leadership Qualification.
Volunteers who do not have their Leadership Qualification will need to complete the Outdoor Essentials Training. Outdoor Essentials covers basic outdoor skills, such as a practical hands-on session using a gas cooker safely, outdoor cooking and activities to do in the outdoors. It will also cover how to run safe and fun outdoor programmes.
The other modules covered include: Camp Fire Songs and Activities, Burma Trails & Activities, Rope & Poles, Night Games, Parks & Trails, Outdoor Cooking. (Each of these modules is 90 minutes in duration)
Invitations for training happening around New Zealand will be sent via OGM. If you do not receive an invitation please email: