Time: 9am Sunday 23 August
So, you’re tough, but are you tough enough to take on the Tough Gal Team Challenge?
If you want to get down and dirty and have a whole lot of fun, then these unique off-road walking and running events are for you. Challenge yourself and two of your girlfriends on a course that includes swamp crossings, a spider’s web net climb, crawl under barb wire, beautiful native bush trails, tunnels, hurdles, a climbing frame, and not to mention, mud mud and more mud!
This event is tailored specifically for teams of 3 to take on a 6km course full of man-made and natural obstacles – competing, conquering and finishing together. This is a women’s only event designed for ladies of all ages to get together, dress up in fancy dress and enjoy a fun day out in the mud.
Who will you challenge to join you?
Lakes Ranch, 79 Lake Rotokawau Road, Owhata, Rotorua 3074
How it works:
- As a team of three, raise a minimum of $720 together; the cost of two girls to go to Guiding for a full year and you take part in the Mud Run for free! GirlGuiding NZ will take care of the administration of registering you directly with Tough Gal.
- Alternatively, pay and register yourself directly with Tough Guy & Gal on the event website here. Set your own fundraising target!
- Register your details with GirlGuiding NZ on the link here.
- A member of the fundraising team will get in touch with you to send you a fundraising pack, further information about the mud obstacle run, support you with your fundraising and answer any questions you may have.
- Set up an online fundraising page with EveryDayHero and set a goal to raise as many donations as possible to give more girls the opportunity to attend Guiding. You can even create a team page if you are doing this as a group. A member of the Fund Development Team can help you with this part

- If you have any more questions, please contact a member of the Fundraising team on email funding@girlguidingnz.org.nz or call 0800 22 22 92
- What are you waiting for?!