Time: 9am Saturday 19 September 2020
So, you’re tough, but are you tough enough to take on the Tough Guy and Gal Challenge?
If you want to get down and dirty and have a whole lot of fun, then these unique off-road walking and running events are for you. Challenge yourself on a course that includes swamp crossings, a spider’s web net climb, crawl under barb wire, beautiful native bush trails, tunnels, hurdles, a climbing frame, and not to mention, mud mud and more mud!
Celebrate Level One and grab your friends, units, workmates or family together for a truly amazing experience! Tough Guy & Gal is New Zealand’s original mud run series with events across the whole North Island including Wellington, Auckland and Rotorua.
The Loaded Tough Guy & Gal Challenge is open to all individuals over the age of 13 years old. Everyone is an individual entry and it is about coming along and competing as a group and dressing up together. You can read the event website here for more information.
Helensville Tennis Club, 124 Rautawhiri Road, Helensville 0875
If you are interested in getting your children involved, Auckland offers junior competitions for children in school years 3-8 on Wednesday 16 September and a secondary school Tough Guy & Gal on Thursday 17 and Friday 18 September. More information about these
How it works:
- Raise a minimum of $360; the cost of a girl to go to Guiding for a full year and you take part in the Mud Run for free! GirlGuiding NZ will take care of the administration of registering you directly with Tough Guy & Gal.
- Alternatively, pay and register yourself directly with Tough Guy & Gal on the event website here. Set your own fundraising target!
- Register your details with GirlGuiding NZ on the link here.
- A member of the fundraising team will get in touch with you to send you a fundraising pack, further information about the mud obstacle run, support you with your fundraising and answer any questions you may have.
- Set up an online fundraising page with EveryDayHero and set a goal to raise as many donations as possible to give more girls the opportunity to attend Guiding. You can even create a team page if you are doing this as a group. A member of the Fund Development Team can help you with this part

- If you have any more questions, please contact a member of the Fundraising team on email funding@girlguidingnz.org.nz or call 0800 22 22 92
What are you waiting for?!