We know that like us, you are passionate about helping girls to challenge themselves and be their best. Together, we can create more opportunities for young women to shape their future, and the future of Aotearoa New Zealand. That is our challenge and our privilege.
An easy way that you can do that is to leave a gift in your Will to GirlGuiding New Zealand, along with your other gifts to family and friends. This is a gift that costs you nothing in your lifetime but can ensure that future girls and young women – including our amazing volunteers – can continue to enjoy the extensive range of benefits of Guiding.
By choosing to leave a gift to GirlGuiding New Zealand in your Will you are directly supporting a vision and a programme that grows confidence in young women and empowers them to shape the world around them. Your legacy will help build new generations of New Zealand women and girls into confident and influential leaders, who will shape their communities and influence their world.
That is a gift of a lifetime.
Your Will is a legal document, so we strongly advise that you seek professional assistance from a solicitor or trustee company to ensure that your wishes are clearly and correctly recorded.
After you have considered the gifts you wish to make to family and friends, there are several ways you can also leave a gift in your Will to GirlGuiding New Zealand:
If you would like to leave a gift to GirlGuiding New Zealand in your Will, we would encourage you to contact us to talk about how that gift might have the most impact. Your lawyer will then be able to set up or amend your Will, advise you on the type of gift that will suit you and your estate, and assist you with appropriate wording.