
Shree Kumar

Volunteer Experience Team Leader

Guiding Programme, Volunteer/Girl Recruitment and Support Team

Contact Email: [email protected]

Where you live: Auckland

Work type: Part-time

Started GGNZ: February, 2024

Qualifications: My education background is in academia with a Doctor of Philosophy and Honours degrees in Biomedical and Neuroscience research.

Work History: I am passionate about community support initiatives and building resilience in our Rangatahi and Tamariki. I have had the opportunity to work in Youthline, facilitating training programs, counselling young people, and mentoring volunteers. I have also worked in academic research for a number of years with focus on identifying new molecular pathways in neurons.

Additional Info:

You can find me hiking or kayaking in my free time. I have been involved in Guiding as a youth member for 10 years and I am thrilled to be welcomed back into the organisation.


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